torsdag 5 november 2009

Öredev Torsdag

x Driven Design

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock talked about the various -DD:s out there. Coming from Smalltalk she's been writing several books on object orientation design, RDD being her baby.

RDD - Responsability Driven Design

  • Roles
  • Responsability
  • Collaborations
informed tools and techniques
localize responsability
CRC - Candidate Responsabilities Collaborations

FDD - Feature Driven Design

Feature lists --> Feature by feature:
  1. Domain walktrough
  2. Design
  3. Design inspect
  4. Code
  5. Code inspect
Design first week, code second.

TDD - Test Driven Development

  1. Write simplest test
  2. Run test and fail
  3. Write simplest code that will pass
  4. Run the test and pass
"Design between the keystrokes"

BDD - Behavioural Driven Development

Given context
When event occurs
Then outcome

DDD - Domain Driven Design

CDD - Contract Driven Development

Making the sausage

Intresting walkthrough on the work of BDD-framework in Clojure. BDD and Clojure is interesting in itself, but also interesting how they worked out their ideas.


ACID doesn't scale out. Problems:
  • Data size
  • Connectivity
  • Semi structure (modeling and sparse data)
4 types of new types
  • Key value
  • Big table
  • Document
  • GraphDB
DYNAMO-paper by amazon very influential.
  • Basically Available
  • Soft state
  • Eventually consistent
  • Voldemort - key-value store
  • Cassandra - BigTable
  • Google Bigtable
  • Apache Hadoop HBase - Bigtable
  • Couch DB - Document (REST)
  • Mongo DB - Document
  • RIAK - Document (REST with DYNAMO scaleout)
  • Neo4j - Graph
  • Allegiograph - Graph

The Productive programmer: Mechanics

Kul session om hur man blir effektivare på det personliga planet.


clcl Clipboard enhancement
mousefeed Eclipse-plugin to help learn keyboard shortcuts


Flow takes 20-30 minutes to reestablish.
TweakUI To turn off windows balloon tips
jedi concentrate Screen dimmer
Turn off notifications like email, phone, etc
Office "quiet time" for example 9-11, 13-15.
Google desktop to find things efficiently, plugin for indexing any filetype.

Productive programmer

Out of the frying pan into the fire
Fun scrum-lover sharing real life anectodes.

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